NaNoWriMo Novel: First Look

We’ve all seen the movies…
“2012” “The Day After Tomorrow” “Deep Impact”

But what we don’t see, what we never see is what happens next…

NaNo Cover LG

This is not your typical dystopian romance. There is no happy ever after here.

There is only cold and death.

In the year 2037 a small moon hit the Earth. It struck at the South pole, causing the ice there to melt completely. We saw it coming and built shelters deep underground. We also extended our moon base project. We built a base large enough there for 300,000 colonists. In case the Earth was too far gone, we would have a backup.

When the damage went beyond what was expected, the President and most other government officials were evacuated to the moon.

Life on the surface of Earth has not gone on the way we thought it would. We expected rebuilding. We expected replanting. What we did not expect, what we never could have imagined… was what we got. The impact alone shook the ground so hard that Australia and most other islands sank. The southern continents were ripped apart and destroyed and the edges of every other continent broke away and sank into the ocean.

Our atmosphere actually suffered more because there was no dust cloud. There was, however, a total loss of the sun for long enough to destroy most plant life. The ice and snow destroyed almost everything else.

The melting of the southern ice cap sent the weather patterns into a frenzy. A tremendous ice storm raged across the entire planet for over a year. The only places where anything survived was in the rainforests – where the climate was the most tropical – and in our underground shelters.

Ironically, most of our rainforests were on the southern part of the planet, the parts that were hit the worst by earthquakes, flooding and volcanic eruptions.

This is not a fairy tale. This is a story of struggle and survival, a story of loss and betrayal. This is the story of a girl, someone who has lost everything and after she loses everything, she discovers that everything she always believed was a lie.

Check out my profile on for updates and excerpts from the story as it progresses.


Disclaimer: I have no control over the ads you may see below. I am sorry if any of the content is inappropriate.

God Bless You!

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